March 13, 2009

Friday Faces

I've been thinking about doing this for a while now, and after a stimulating conversation about blogs at our weekly brunch, I decided Fridays are going to be special.
Blogs can be deceiving. Perfect pictures, perfect lives. Only about 1/10 of the pictures we take are even considered for the blog. And I think, that is so sad, because if we had the guts to take the picture, we should have the guts to let everyone see. My solution? Every Friday, I am going to put up a picture that normally wouldn't make the cut, for all of you to enjoy.

Now go ahead and feast on these beauts from my when my sister Lauren was here last October.


Lauren said...

I'm a BIG fan of Freaky Friday Faces! Can I pass along some gems of Jenny-she's so generous with the camera. Of course I know that would mean all out war and she's got some of her own ammo she could bust out. I heart ugly pictures!

Jenny Covey said...

BRING IT ON! Can you load video onto your blog Robyn? Don't worry if you can't, I can always link up some Laurenlicious videos to youtube...

Lindsay Ross said...

why have I not seen a picture of your belly! don't act like me....