January 14, 2009

Catch Up Part 1

You would think that with school over, I would be a little more on the ball with the blog. Not so much. But I will slowly try and play catch up. First- early December, Erin and I decided to treat Alex to a special night to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Meg (can't wait!). We did a little dinner at CPK- Alex's fav, a little 'Twilight' even though the other 2 cheated over Thanksgiving and saw it! And last but certainly not least- a sleepover at 'The Inn of Chicago' complete with a feast of grapes for Alex's poor gall stones! She was such a good sport. It was so fun staying up late and talking with these girls-I couldn't be luckier- and I can't wait for the next girls night! We hope you felt special Alex. You deserve it and we love you!

1 comment:

Alex said...

Wow, how can I not feel special after a shout out like that? Thanks for the night out and the blog post. You guys better be careful, I might get used to all of this spoiling. I had so much fun!